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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  September 18, 2012 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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pictures, that's what blinds are for. >> close your blinds, close your windows, keep your privacy, watch for the long lens. >> you'll be protected. >> thanks for letting us know that. it's not just for princes and the rest. >> it's for us, too. >> thank you. thank you, everybody, for joining us. by the way, my friend michael holmes is sitting in on the next program. stay tuned for ""newsroom international."" hello, everyone, welcome to "newsroom international." yes, i'm michael holmes sitting in for suzanne malveaux. about to take you around the world in 60 minutes, a sense of what's going on out there. a prison escape on the border. authorities blocking roads and offering rewards for the 132 mexican inmates who busted out. and a car boom explodes in afghanistan rage over an anti-islamic youtube clip continues in the arir arab worl.
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a presidential candidate caught on hidden camera, mitt romney what he characterized at off the kuf comments. the left leaning magazine mother jones released this camera video you see taken at a closed door meeting with big donors. this happened back in may in boca raton. romney accusing palestinians of having no interest whatsoever in reaching a peace deal with israel. let's have a listen to just this part of it. >> and i look at palestinians not wanting to see peace anyway, for political purposes, committed to the destruction and elimination of israel, and these thorny issues, and i say, there's just no way. all right. we have a potentially volatile situation but we sort of live with it, and we kick the ball down the field and hope that ultimately, somehow, something will happen and resolve it. we don't go to war to try and resolve it imminently.
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>> i want to bring in my colleague, hala gorani from cnn international. good to have you here. >> you look familiar. >> you look familiar to me, too. that clip shows romney speaking, we don't have any of the questions that may or may not have been asked to prompt remarks. a man aspires to lead the most powerful nation in the world saying a path to a solution between the israelis and thementes is almost unthinkable to accomplish. it's just an amazingly pessimistic viewpoint essentially saying he'd kick it down the road. >> he did say that. he said exchanging land for peace is, quote, the worst idea. he said that palestinians are, as we heard in that clip, committed to the destruction and elimination of israel that palestinians have no interest in peace. and i think what's interesting also, to americans, and to those people who have developed an interest in this story around the world because on cnn international it's been making headlines, it's the difference between what he has told private fund-raisers at $50,000 a plate dinner in florida, versus what,
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for instance, he told our own wolf blitzer regarding the two-state solution. decision as to where the borders would be, he told wolf a few months back, as we move to a two-state solution, which i support, that's a decision on borders that will be worked out by israelis and palestinians and he said that within the context of debates in the past. >> this is not going down well with palestinians. speaking earlier, just saying it was horrible thing for a presidential, aspiring presidential president to say. >> to be fair, we don't know what democrats are saying behind closed doors. this is something that was leaked, that was not intended to be public but in this day and age, cell phone videos are everywhere. so what you say you can expect to get out there. i want to say something about whether or not the foreign policy component of this leaked video might or might not hurt mitt romney politically. what might hurt him is the fact he saying one thing in private and another in public. as far as the u.s., ordinary u.s. voters' position on israel,
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a gallup poll 63% of americans say sympathy lies more with israelis, 17% with americans. another poll conducted a -- with palestinians -- another poll conduct a few years ago 6% of americans say the u.s. should support palestinians in peace talks. with regards to that specific position -- >> i read a quote today that nobody ever lost the presidential election by kicking the palestinians. so it was a quote i read this morning. so, look, there was another thing too, apparently jokes about wishing he had latino heritage as well. >> right, if he were latino he'd be winning the race. this is something that's offending latinos, of course because it's considered insensitive to use that kind of sort of argument to explain away, perhaps, some of the issues that mitt romney's campaign has been having in the polls. we reached out to the romney campaign, when i was in tampa, we spoke to one of the romney
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campaign advisers, jonathan burkes on foreign policy, we reached out again today, we were told nobody would be made available to discuss the foreign policy aspect of the leaked video today. we don't have a response. >> good to see you. do your own show on cnn international. we are going to get a closer look at more of this video and what it means for the romney campaign in the next hour of "cnn newsroom." so don't miss that. this story has legs. we're going to turn to libya and the ongoing investigation of that deadly attack at the u.s. consulate in benghazi. we're learning more and seeing exactly what happened during the final hours of ambassador christopher stevens' life. arwa damon is in benghazi and spoke with a man who recorded part of it on his cell phone. >> reporter: this is the first thing that fahed saw and felt at the compound. the cafeteria building up in
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flames. it was shortly before midnight september 11th, smoke so thick the compound's main house is barely visible. and then, this -- breaking through a window, men shout they have found a body. suddenly one of them cries out, he's alive, he's alive! the crowd cheers, god is great. rushing for a car they realize it's a foreigner. i was filming video and i thought it was an american fahed recalls but i thought it was a driver or a security guy. i never thought it was the ambassador. it's clear from the rest of the video that the man they pulled out was ambassador christopher stevens. fahed says he was alive but barely. he had a pulse, and his eyes were moving, fahed says. his mouth was black from all of
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the smoke. ten minutes later, rushed through the benghazi streets in a civilian's car the ambassador arrived at the hospital, but it was too late. >> the doctor tells us he got a code blue call. patient arrested, needs resuscitation. >> no breathing. >> reporter: he, too, did not realize it was stevens. body was covered in soot, he says. i began resuscitation, but after 45 minutes, the patient gave no sign of life. the libyan government vowed to bring those who attacked the consulate to justice but nearly a week later there are still contradictory accounts of what happened. the head of libya's national congress says, it was a preplanned attack. that the government thathas arrd dozens of people among members or sympathizers of al qaeda and
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a handful of foreigners. other senior officials say the 50 were merely brought in for questioning, and there is no evidence of an existing plot. what is undisputed is that over the past three months, attacks against western interests in ben z gazi increased as the power of extremist groups. something military officials say they warned the americans. this young man says, he arrived at compound just as the firefight began to subside. he says, he didn't see any foreigners, just libyans. members of known extremist militias, bearded, carrying russian-made automatic machine guns, rocket propelled grenades and lighter weapons. detained by the attackers and says, he heard them talking about the assault, celebrating their success. and he says, before he was released, they also talked about an attack on another location
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that night. a safe house where the american staff took shelter. perhaps we'll never know exactly what happened that night. but it's a far cry from the dreams of so many libyans when they rose up last year. >> and arwa joins us now live from benghazi. you know, it's interesting, they found the ambassador alive, it would appear, and took him to a hospital. you know, it makes that point that we've been saying, that you know, people in libya are not calling for death to america, mote of them anyway. there is a love for what america did during the revolution. >> reporter: there was certainly, as michael, and just about every single libyan i have spoken to has been trying to underscore how troubled, upset, disgusted they are by what took place at the ambassador, wanting the international community, especially the u.s. public to know that this most certainly is not an indication of any
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widespread sentiment across the country. what they do also want to see take place, though, is that for the libyan government with outside assistance, if required, somehow reign in extremist militias. the libyan government acknowledges, very openly, that it isincapable of controlling these various groups and they have been asking the u.s. and other allies for some sort of help so that this sort of an act of violence does not happen once again. >> one thing, you touched on this in your story extremists getting a foothold which speaks the government not securing the government and so essentially co-opting militias from the revolution in various places to run more in order. what is it that the libyan government wants that they're not getting from the international community in terms of taking control? >> reporter: well, michael, this
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speaks to a lot of the challenges that libya is currently facing, bearing in mine that this is a nation that effectively had all of its institutions destroyed after the revolution. they effectively crumbled. it's a nation that has to be built from scratch. there's a phenomenally weak central government and there is no true governmental security apparatus to speak of. the police force, the military, any sort of groups that exist within the government so-called base of power are really made up of revolutionary forces that rather than be fully absorbed into the government security forces, have, yes, been brought underneath their authority but these groups still operate as independent entities and this has allowed the minority of groups that did exist with a more islamist agenda to gain more power and thrive because there is no central authority. there is at this point in time no one that is going to hold them accountable for their
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actions. and they quite openly state that they can take on any other brigade, any other unit that the government chooses to throw in their direction to try to force them to lay down their weapons. what the government wants to see is growing support from the international community. when it comes to the bare basics of institution building from security forces, to a justice system, but also, if necessary, things like training, things like quipping, but also things like trying to establish a nationalistic sense amongst these individuals and not a sense of each unit for its own. >> i know there's a sense there, unlike iraq, afghanistan, international interests, let's say, waned after gadhafi fell. arwa, thanks for your reporting as always. more on what we're working for "newsroom international." what to know what happens going on behind the scenes in north korea? we asked kim jong-il's former
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welcome back, female suicid 12 in afghanistan, slamming a car pack with explosives into a van on a road leading to kabul airport. a group with ties to the taliban is taking response, saying it was in response to the notorious anti-islam film. foreigners were killed in that, by the way. the rise in violence over that film, plus increased attacks on nato troop business local afghans prompted nato to stop some joint operations with afghans. i talked earlier to a spokesman for the nato-led international security assistance force. >> basically, we have a situation here where we have heightened public tension over the events of the last couple of weeks. so we've made a call here, prudent call, we think, in a temporary one to basically reduce exposure of some forces operating in the field. we're not backing away from our
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afghan partner or the training mission. this is a temporary move that we hope to return to full operations here shortly. >> anna coren joins us from kabul live. he couldn't say when the conditions would be right for the temporary lifting of cooperation to start. i want to talk about this. how this decision to stop some joint operations with the afghans could impact the fight on the ground. this has been a central part of the strategy to partner on the ground in the field, et cetera. >> reporter: sure, michael. this has been the cornerstone, the foundation of this whole mission transferring power from coalition u.s. forces over to the afghans. at the end of the day, the u.s. and nato forces are out of here, come 2014, whether the afghan armed forces are ready or not. it might sound quite harsh, quite brutal but that is the reality.
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at the moment there are 330,000 afghan forces, both army and police. they hope to increase that to 350,000 by the end of this year. and up to 380,000 by 2014. so, certainly a lot ahead of them. they say the joint patrols will have a battalion level or above. so what's happening out on the ground, the afghans will take the lead. obviously the timing is everything. these green on blue attacks, uptick in attacks, michael, have everybody here on edge. you know, 51 coalition deaths to date. and on top of that, the anti-islamic film. there's a lot of concern and they are going to take every single measure they possibly can to prevent any more insider attacks. >> and that film being blamed for that suicide bombing in afghanistan. this was a huge bomb. tell us about what happened. >> reporter: yeah, certainly was. went off 6:45 a.m. this morning. a woman, a 22-year-old woman,
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drove her car, which was packed with 300 kilograms of explosives into a mini bus carrying eight south africans. every single person on that mini bus was killed, along with other people standing around. it was at a gas station on a major highway not far from kabul airport. and the crater was absolutely huge. and just to give you an idea of the force of this explosion, the engine block of the car was some 100 meters down the road, buildings nearby had windows shattered. the explosion was truly so powerful. it's worth noting, michael, this woman, 22-year-old woman, kabul's first suicide bomber. and there are obviously great concerns how suicide bombers are getting into kabul, which is supposed to be the ring of steel. all of the security checkpoints which are stationed around the city. but they are getting through. they are penetrating this supposed really tough system to
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get in. and causing a great deal of fear. certainly changes the dynamics here on the ground targeting afghan and western civilians. they weren't targeting the military. they were specifically after civilians. >> thank you, anna coren in kabul. he was the sushi chef for kim jong-il, now he's dishing on what life was really like working for north korea's dear leader. stick around for that. [ male announcer ] does your prescription medication give you the burden of constipation? turn to senokot-s tablets.
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welcome back, everyone. two americans are being freed from prison in the tiny west african country. once served in the u.s. military, the other taught at university of tennessee. both sentenced to prison for treason. two will leave the country today with the reverend jesse jackson. jackson met with the country's president month. the gam been president has been coming unpressure for threatening to execute all of the country's death row inmates by last friday. now though, he has put a moratorium on that. nine inmates were executed by firing squad last month. they were the first executions,
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by the way, since 1985 in gambia. jesse jackson joins me on the phone now. thanks for doing so. release of two americans didn't seem to be on the agenda when you went there. how did you get their release secured? >> well, being there from their families and their embassy we knew 37 people are scheduled to die and because of the moratorium, he extended their schedule from there. scheduled to be in prison for 22 lifetimes, scheduled to come back to america on the 9th and that's good news. >> good news, indeed, for two americans. and now we've heard that the president has been putting these other executions on hold, if you like. must be a lot of pressure put on him. you were there but also african union and many others are being applying the screws on him. what did he tell you about the executions?
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why he was doing them? >> well, he made the case the sovereignty of the country, the sovereignty of the government he had the right to execute them. nine had been. my point was that the growth of the gambia and the reputation is being swallowed up by violence. the growth of the system, universal health care, educational system, these acts of execution are a great diversion from the country and therefore you're not likely to invest in a couldn't trit with violence and instability. i think the rules will help stabilize the country, gain its reputation. >> he did say, and bizarrely in many ways, his rational for carrying out executions was to try to stop a crime wave on the streets. and that it was some sort of deterrent to execute those on
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death row. are you able to sort of gauge his intentions going forward? he say his could do it again, if the crime continues. >> but you know, the -- we were not here to make a legal case for them. we're here to make a humanitarian plea. my experience has grown to syria, cuba, iraq, yugoslavia, whenever you set the captives free it opens up a window of oprtunity for dialogue and i'm glad he made the decision. was his power, his grace and mercy enabled them. what i really do know, 37 people were expected to die, 2 are expected to be in jail for a long time, are now coming home. it was an emotional scene.
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one had been in jail for six years. they had two children, dressed up, ready to come home, anxious to see their father, their husband. there's a story and reason to rejoi rejoice. >> appreciate that, jesse jackson joining us on the line from the gambia. successful mission for americans, at least. whoever wins the white house this november will have the tough task of deciding what to do about afghanistan. we will look at the plans that the two candidates are offering up. in that time there've been some good days. and some difficult ones. but, through it all, we've persevered, supporting some of the biggest ideas in modern history. so why should our anniversary matter to you? because for 200 years, we've been helping ideas move from ambition to achievement. and the next great idea could be yours.
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go to to learn about a free trial offer. welcome back. democracy advocate from myanmar, known by burma, is meeting with the secretary of state hillary clinton in washington today. this is her first trip to the united states in more than 20
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years. let's listen for a moment. >> i had a chance to talk about the work still ahead. and there is a lot of work. i think one of the important reasons for her visit at this timing is to remind us of how much more still lies ahead from strengthening the rule of law in democratic institutions to addressing the challenges in many of the ethnic conflicts and in resign state. the government and opposition need to continue to work together to unite the country, heal wounds of the past, and carry the reforms forward. that is also key to guard against backsliding because there are forces that would take the country in the wrong direction, if given the chance. so we in the state department and the obama administration are
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certainly the first to say that the process of reform must continue. political prisoners remain in detention, ongoing ethnic and sectarian violence continues to undermine progress toward national reconciliation, stability and lasting peace. some military contacts with north korea persist. and further reforms are required to strengthen the rule of law, increase transparency, address constitutional challenges. >> u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton there speaking about myanmar, or burma, as it's known by some. there have been many reforms in recent months. she's saying there there needs to be more done by the regime in the capital of myanmar, the parliament meeting there, they've had elections, there have been prisoner releases, 500 or so prisoners released this
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week in are positive signs. freed from 15 years of house arrest back in 2010 and this is now the start of what is going to be an 18-day trip to the united states. she is going to be busy. almost 100 events while here, speaking with refugees from her own country. let's get back to the war in afghanistan now. nato troops today being ordered to stop some joint operations with afghan army and police forces. this move prompted by that spike in deadly attacks by the troops afghan counterparts as well as of course the recent violence over the controversial film that insults the prophet mohammed. how u.s. involvement in the war plays out will be determined by who wins the white house in november. pentagon correspondent chris lawrence takes a look at just where president obama and mitt romney stand on the longest war
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in u.s. history. >> reporter: 70,000 american troops are still fighting in afghanistan. but will election day affect them one way or the other? we see two candidates moving closer and closer to the point where there's not much space between them. >> our goals should be to complete a successful transition to afghan security force business the end of 2014. >> next year, afghans will take the lead for their own security. in 2014 the transition will be complete. >> reporter: there were real differences at the beginning of governor romney's campaign last summer when he seemed to criticize obama's decision to send 30,000 more troops to afghanistan. >> it's time for us to bring our troops hope as soon as we possibly can. i also think we've learned that our troops shouldn't go off and fight a war of independence for another nation. >> reporter: by november he
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opposed in i plan to bring most troops home before 2014. >> i stand with the commanders in this regard and have no information that suggests that pulling our troops out faster than that would do anything but put at great peril the extraordinary sacrifice that's been made. this is not time for america to cut and run. >> reporter: whomever sits in the oval office will have to decide how the u.s. hands over to the afghans, and that's where we see the biggest difference, when it comes to talking with the taliban. >> we're pursuing a negotiated peace. in coordination with the afghan government, my administration's been in direct discussions with the taliban. >> reporter: president obama makes a distinction between taliban and al qaeda, governor romney say his won't haggle with the group at has killed american troops. >> we don't negotiate with terrorists. i do not negotiate with the taliban. that's something for the afghans to decide how to pursue their course in the future. >> reporter: there's negotiation versus no negotiation with the taliban. president obama announced in end
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date years in advance. governor romney opposed publicizing that date. president ended the surge this month during the fighting season. the governor would have kept a. decisional troops there through deuce. analysts say neither man has spent much time talking about the war. but mark jacobson says it's partly because the big strategic issue libz tke the surge and handover -- >> we're looking at execution of the strategy and that doesn't require the same sort of political capital and time from washington, d.c. that was required two years ago. >> reporter: the two men don't exactly agree on how the fighting affects the nation's finances. >> because after two wars that have cost us thousands of lives and over a trillion dollars, it's time to do some nation building right here at home. >> of course the return of our troops cannot, and must not, be used as an excuse to hollow out
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our military through devastating defense budget cuts. >> reporter: so the biggest difference on afghanistan may be how to spend the money when the war's over. chris lawrence, cnn, washington. the sushi chef for kim jong-il and now he's dishing out a little bit on what life was really like working for north korea's dear leader. that's coming nd pformer. i'm also a survivor of ovarian and uterine cancers. i even wrote a play about that. my symptoms were a pain in my abdomen and periods that were heavier and longer than usual for me. if you have symptoms that last two weeks or longer, be brave, go to the doctor. ovarian and uterine cancers are gynecologic cancers. symptoms are not the same for everyone. i got sick...and then i got better. monarch of marketing analysis. with the ability to improve roi through seo
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all right. you know we've been reporting now on the striking miners in south africa at a platinum mine, also at a gold mine. this is a strike that has led to violence more than 40 people, 44 people, have died in recent weeks because of clashes with police. now, we are getting word from johannesburg, hearing from one of the striking miner's
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represent everybodies who has confirmed an offer around 9,000 rand, over $1,000, as a minimum wage per month and about 1300 for the rock drill operators who do that dangerous, dirty work at the mine face, has been accepted by the workers. he's telling us that they will back to work on thursday. i want to emphasize, this is coming from one of the striking miner's representatives, trying to get -- we're efforting comment from the company now to see their side of that. if so, that would be an enormous breakthrough on a deadly strike and one that has also hurt badly the south african economy. we'll keep an eye on it, let's you know. well, he fled for his life under the old regime in north korea, but now kim jong-il's sushi chef has returned to the capital city of pyongyang. he tells cnn north korea's a
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whole new world now. paula hancocks with the story. >> reporter: this was the reunion after 11 years. kim jong-il's former sushi chef who led north korea believing his life was in danger was invited back recently by his son and new leader kim jong-un. i jumped up to hung him, shouting comrade general, and instantly burst into tears. he say his used to play with kim jong-un when he was younger and was a trusted chef of his father, traveling around the world for him to buy exclusive and expensive ingredients. since fleeing to his native japan in 2001, he has written best-selling books about the family. he claims kim jong-un has forgiven him for his betrayal. he also met the first lady, the wife the world only learned about a couple of months ago. she is just so charming, he says. i cannot describe her voice.
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it is so soft. he has nothing but glowing praise for the leader, talking before the aura surrounding him and the great man he has turned into, at times sounding like a spokesman for kim and country. i went window shopping, he says. there are plenty of goods in the shops, that's already a big difference. there was nothing a decade ago. it was totally different. i guess it changed drastically since the kim jong-un era started. pyongyang has changed over the years but it's a city for the le elite and chosen. in the countryside few visitors are allowed to see, it is very different. food is scarce, and malnutrition high. also reunited with his north korean wife and children who he claims want to stay in north korea. there's no way to know if that's true, but his family's presence in pyongyang is likely a reason
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the former chef is nothing negative. he says kim jong-un organized a part for him but he doesn't quite remember how it ended after having a few drinks. he does remember, though, that the north korean leader invited him back whenever he wants, claiming that kind of invitation from pyongyang is unprecedented. paula hancocks, cnn, seoul. the most famous musician you've never heard of until now. ♪ >> he has taken over italy's music scene with more than 12 number one albums and now bringing his upbeat rhythms to the united states. he'll be with us after the break.
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welcome back to "newsroom international." i'm michael holms. my next guest is a musician who has taken italy by storm. he has more than a dozen number one albums, more twitter followers than the pope and he's one of italy's very first rappers. have a listen. ♪ ♪
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>> catchy stuff, isn't it? lorenzo jovanotti join me from new york. >> hello. how's my italian? >> you can speak italian? >> your name, that's as far as i'm prepared to go here. >> yeah, but you actually you're wrong with the name. it's jovanotti. >> i'm glad to hear that. i've been to italy many times. beautiful place. you've had major success over a 25-year career. but this is the first time you've released an album in the united states. what's the response been like? >> you know, it's -- the response is very good, you know? everybody's looking at me like an exotic animal, you know, because i actually do rap pop music in italian. music and language is connected with opera, you know, pavarotti,
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listening to somebody using this language, foreanother purpose, emotional purpose. it's strange. i'm happy to be here. i'm excited. i love the country. the music i grew up with come from here mostly. so been here doing my music is a dream come true. >> replomantic rap, you're the first major rap artist in italy. how did you get involved in that style of music? you obviously do different styles of muse pick. how did you get involved in rapping? why do you their you're the only one. >> it really changed my life. when i was a child, 15, 14 years old, i was maybe one of the first to listen to rap coming from the united states, and i think beastie boys, run dmc, that moment of rap music really changed my life. i discovered that i was a human being, alive, with the body, with the voice, and i started to think to do music.
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yeah, rap is different from everything, most revolutionary music of the second part of the last century. and i love it. it's so direct. as a man, human being with a microphone, two turntables, simple, you don't have to play any kind of instrument. you just have to get energy and pleasure of doing rhymes about that's what i liked about rap. you can say anything, you know, you can talk about love, you can talk about peace, you can talk about energy, you can talk about politics, everything is good for rap. >> obviously the folks back home love it with the number one albums you've had. it's interesting you're also an activist, you and bono partnered up on a project to help countries in africa get out of debt. you're part of a benefit in italy to help recent earthquake victims. how do you merge that music and activism? >> you know, i think music has a power of making people meet and
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has this power of enforcing things, you know, like pointing a light, pointing a strong light to things. so you can do those for something that you believe in. when i worked for the campaign, i just tell them, you know, i'm italian, i'm big in italy, i can help you because we have the vatican, we have catholic culture, so i can help you to be strong with your message in my country, you know? and then, you know, i'm a human being. in music you can talk about everything. saturday, we fly back to italy. saturday we have a concert with 200,000 people to help the earthquake zone and we are going to build four schools with the money of the concert. music can do a lot of things. >> it can. >> it can be emotional. it's good when you make love but also good when you make life, you know, when you -- when you
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bill something. >> 200,000 people. that's a big party. i wish you well, lorenzo jovanotti, best of luck with it. >> it's good to see you. i'm very proud to be on cnn. you know everybody will be very proud of me in italy for this reason. >> okay. all right. well a prison escape on the boarder. blocking roads. offering rewards for 132 inmate whose busted they'l live. for more than 116 years, ameriprise financial has worked for their clients' futures. helping millions of americans retire on their terms. when they want. where they want. doing what they want. ameriprise. the strength of a leader in retirement planning. the heart of 10,000 advisors working with you one-to-one. together for your future.
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check this out. more than 130 mexican inmates escaped from a prison near the u.s. border and they are all on the run right now. this happened across the border from eagle pass, texas.
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police have blocked roads leading into the united states. the authorities say the inmates escaped through a seven-foot long tunnel, just seven feet, that started inside a prison workshop. must have been enough to get outside the gate. they cut through a chain link fence and took off. a glimpse back in time now to the very beginning of the 20th century. looking there at the first color film ever made. it dates back to 1901 or 1902, they're not sure entirely. british photographer edward turner actually shot the scenes on black and white film and then used blue, green, and red filters and a special projector to produce the color images. turner died before witnessing color films really take off. he didn't think that this was all that important. archivists were able to restore his work using digital technology. terrific stuff. tough times for the royal couple these days, of course, but it's not keeping them from dancing on their trip abroad.
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